Sunday, August 30, 2009

8-30-09 UHGG.. Please slit my throat... please

So today was SUPPOSED to be a fast... but that didnt work out. My boyfriend and i went to the mall to get him school clothes and such.

he made me eat a soft pretzel... (300+ cals?)
an oreo milk shake... i "spilled" it
he took me out to dinner.
i got out of eating breadsticks...
ordered minestrone (100% veggie friendly) so that wasnt so bad

but then came the main course...
he ordered for us while i was in the bathroom


pasta? wtf mate?
i dont want that.
i didnt want any food... although i should admit i was feeling very light headed at the mall. after walking no stop for literally 2 hours i was starting to get tunnel vision really bad and had to sit down... thats when he made me eat the pretzel...

I am probably going to have an aweful scale moment tomorrow...
though good news
i am off my period so NO MORE BLOATING
so thats good. i bloat so bad.

and speaking of PMS

today was the big day. i started my birth control .. i took it around 9 because thats when i usually take all of my other pills. and thank god birth control doesnt need to be taken with food.
i really hop it doesnt make my boobs bigger. like i am praying.

so since My boyfriend absoloutly sabotaged my fast...
no more food for the rest of the week.
every day will be a fast.
i swear to god i will starve off that fettuchini if it kills me

i will be beautiful
i will be thin


  1. i'm so sorry.

    glad you're off your period. yay for you! (:

    think thin! hey-i have an idea!-can i be your fasting buddy? we can talk and keep eachother on track. how bout it? let me know! (:

  2. Oops... I'm sure ur guy didn't mean to break ur fast... But pleeeeeeease use those pills never know what side-effects they may have... And hey, u can burn that fettuchini by exercise too!

    Stay safe. Stay beautiful.

  3. Aww. Boys just don't understand the concept that food makes us fat because they have scary-fast metabolisms and don't have to worry about what they eat! Yes, yes, i am jealous of them. Good luck with the birth control and the fasting. Much love.
